Wednesday, November 30, 2011

9/11 Memorial

This picture shows people gathered around the 9/11 Memorial Plaza's south pool. Apparent is the involvement of those pictured with the open space, atmosphere, and engraved names pictured. On the right, we can peek at the water falling as the infamous Twin Towers once fell. The reflections emerging from the building windows mirror the urbanity around the site and so do the eclectic faces of those who attend. 

Here are the names of the deceased on September 11, 2001. There are African Americans, Asians, Hispanics, Middle Eastern, and Caucasian names and it mimics those who visit the site daily showing how the attacks on the World Trade Center affected the entire world.
My class " Art in NY " on top of all the things going on around this city. "Cheese"

The Museum of the American Indian

This picture was taken at the Museum of the American Indian and was one of the many  pieces I enjoyed viewing. Here there is art from 'Indian' tribes from both American continents. There are artifacts from the Central American Mayan and Aztec civilizations. Caribbean Taino sculptures and South American Mapuche carvings. As well as American and Canadian Inuit, Yuit and Navajo tribes of more recent and contemporary societies.

Above, you can appreciate my favorite painting in the exhibition and although I was yelled at by a security guard for taking this picture in a restricted area, it was totally worth it. A poem on the lower left side reads: "Note Well: Contain any force that you might possess, you never know when they'll be needed". I like the four rectangles at the top which I like to think, show a little side of the artist. The fluttering wing on the left side above the poem, show the force the artist is referring to being released at its precise time. It was totally worth it. Don't you agree?

Also pictured above: 

Taino water vessel, Dominican Republic, ca. A.D. 1200-1500 (Clay) 
Maya ritual blade, Belize, ca. A.D. 700 (flint)
Hupa apron and skirt, California, ca. 1900 (Hide, plant fiber, pine nuts, bear grass, abalone shell,brass thimbles, glass and seed beads)